Let's talk
Let's talk
#14 | The Power of Perception and Identifying Belief Systems through NLP

#14 | The Power of Perception and Identifying Belief Systems through NLP

The Let's Talk podcast is a podcast that explores various topics related to spirituality, healing, self-development, and other areas of interest.

In this episode, we touch on the power of our perception and how our belief systems impact the way we navigate the world by exploring mistaken beliefs through the lens of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Identifying Mistaken Beliefs

(From Course Material for Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming):

  • Firstly spend some time identifying and writing down beliefs you may have.

  • Then answer the following questions:

1. What is the evidence that supports this belief? If I look objectively at all of my life experiences, what is the evidence that this belief is true?

2. Is this belief always true for me?

3. Does this belief consider the whole picture? Does it take into consideration both the positive and negative ramifications?

4. Does this belief encourage my own peace of mind and well-being?

5. Did I choose this belief or has it developed from the influence of my family/friends as I was growing up?

I briefly discuss the blog Why You Should Have A Reflective Practice and the podcast episode #13 | Celebrating Personal Growth Through Having A Reflective Practice.

I encourage you to check out the details of this blog and podcast for additional guidance and support to aid your personal transformation.

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Discussion about this podcast

Let's talk
Let's talk
Here on the Let's Talk podcast, we discuss spiritual self development, healing and navigating planes of consciousness. We utilise astrology and work with planetary transits to support conscious evolution and seek guidance and support from the universe through the oracle, symbolism and other signs and synchronicities.